Journal papers
28. Analogues of the countable Borel equivalence relations in the setting of computable reducibility
(with U. Andrews)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, 202427. Investigating the computable Friedman-Stanley jump
(with U. Andrews)
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 89(2), 918–944, 202426. How to make (mathematical) assertions with directives
(with L. Caponetto and G. Venturi)
Synthese, 202, 127, 202325. Classifying word problems of finitely generated algebras via computable reducibility
(with V. Delle Rose and A. Sorbi)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 33(4), 751-76824. Learning algebraic structures with the help of Borel equivalence relations
(with N. Bazhenov and V. Cipriani)
Theoretical Computer Science, 951, 113762, 202323. How to approximate fuzzy sets: Mind-changes and the Ershov hierarchy
(with N. Bazhenov, M. Mustafa, and S. Ospichev)
Synthese, 201, 55, 2023
22. On the structure of computable reducibility on equivalence relations of natural numbers
(with U. Andrews and D. Belin)
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 88(3), 1038-1063, 202321. Primitive recursive equivalence relations and their primitive recursive complexity
(with N. Bazhenov, K.M. Ng, and A. Sorbi)
Computability, 11(3/4), 187-221, 202220. The category of equivalence relations
(with V. Delle Rose and A. Sorbi)
Algebra and Logic, 60(5), 295-307, 202119. On the Turing complexity of learning finite families of algebraic structures
(with N. Bazhenov)
Journal of Logic and Computation, 31(7), 1891-1900, 202118. Thin objects are not transparent
(with M. Plebani and G. Venturi)
Theoria, 89(3), 314-325, 202317. On logicality and natural logic
(with S. Pistoia Reda)
Natural Language Semantics, 29, 501-506, 202116. Degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity
(with N. Bazhenov, E. Fokina, D. Rossegger)
Computability, 10(1), 1-16, 202115. Speech acts in mathematics
(with M. Ruffino and G. Venturi)
Synthese, 198, 10063-10087, 202114. What is to believe in a mathematical assertion?
(with G. Venturi)
Italian Journal of Philosophy of Language, 15(1), 154-157, 202113. Word problems and ceers
(with V. Delle Rose and A. Sorbi)
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 66(3), 341-354, 202012. Learning families of algebraic structures from informant
(with N. Bazhenov and E. Fokina)
Information and Computation, 275, 104590, 202011. Classifying equivalence relations in the Ershov hierarchy
(with N. Bazhenov, M. Mustafa, A. Sorbi, and M. Yamaleev)
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 59(7/8), 835-864, 202010. Minimal equivalence relations in hyperarithmetical and analytical hierarchies
(with N. Bazhenov, M. Mustafa, and M. Yamaleev)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 41, 145-150, 20209. At least one black sheep: Pragmatics and the language of mathematics
(with M. Ruffino and G. Venturi)
Journal of Pragmatics, 160, 114-119, 20208. Bi-embeddability spectra and bases of spectra
(with E. Fokina and D. Rossegger)
Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 65(2), 228-236, 20197. Measuring the complexity of reductions between equivalence relations
(with E. Fokina and D. Rossegger)
Computability, 8(3/4), 265-280, 20196. Degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence structures
(with N. Bazhenov, E. Fokina, and D. Rossegger)
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 58(5/6), 543-563, 20195. Trial and error mathematics: Dialectical systems and completions of theories
(with J. Amidei, U. Andrews, D. Pianigiani, and A. Sorbi)
Journal of Logic and Computation, 29(1), 157-184, 20194. Computable bi-embeddable categoricity
(with N. Bazhenov, E. Fokina, and D. Rossegger)
Algebra and Logic, 57(5), 392-396, 20183. Trial and error mathematics II: Dialectical sets and quasidialectical sets, their degrees, and their distribution within the class of limit sets
(with J. Amidei, D. Pianigiani and A. Sorbi)
Review of Symbolic Logic, 9(4), 810-835, 20162. Trial and error mathematics I: Dialectical and quasidialectical systems
(with J. Amidei, D. Pianigiani, G. Simi, and A. Sorbi)
Review of Symbolic Logic, 9(2), 299-324, 20161. Universal computably enumerable equivalence relations
(with U. Andrews, S. Lempp, J. S. Miller, K. M. Ng, and A. Sorbi)
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 79(1), 60-88, 2014
17. On computational problems for infinite argumentation frameworks: The complexity of finding acceptable extensions
(with U. Andrews)
in 22nd International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR), CEUR, 3835: 3-13, 202416. On computational problems for infinite argumentation frameworks: Hardness of finding acceptable extensions
(with U. Andrews)
in10th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning (FCR), CEUR, 3763: 35-47, 202415. On computational problems for infinite argumentation frameworks: Classifying complexity via computability
(with U. Andrews)
in 5th International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA), CEUR, 3757: 12-26, 2024
and in 8th Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence 2024 (AI^3), CEUR, 3871, 202414. Punctual presentability in certain classes of algebraic structures
(with D. Kalocinski and M. Wrocławski)
in 49th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), LIPIcs 306, 65:1–65:15, 202413. Comparing the isomorphism type of equivalence structures and preorders
(with N. Bazhenov)
Proceedings of the 16th Asian Logic Conference, to appear12. Calculating the mind-change complexity of learning algebraic structures
(with N. Bazhenov and V. Cipriani)
in U. Berger, J. Franklin, F. Manea, and A. Pauly (eds.) CiE 2022: Revolutions and Revelations in Computability, Springer (LNCS 13359), 1-12, 202211. Computability theory as a philosophical achievement
(with M. Plebani)
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 60(12), 1862-1866, 202210. Approximating approximate reasoning: fuzzy sets and the Ershov hierarchy
(with N. Bazhenov, M. Mustafa, and S. Ospichev)
in S. Ghosh and T. Icard (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, Springer (LNCS 13039), 20219. On the computational content of the theory of Borel equivalence relations
(with N. Bazhenov, B. Monin, and R. Zamora)
Oberwolfach Preprints, OWP 2021(06), 20218. Limit learning equivalence structures
(with E. Fokina and T. Koetzing)
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 98, 383-403, 20197. Ragionare per reclutare: la logica nei (e dei) convegni pubblici
(with A. Averardi)
Convegno Annuale Associazione Italiana Professori di Diritto Amministrativo, 20196. Church-Turing thesis, in practice
in M. Piazza and G. Pulcini (eds), Truth, Existence and Explanation, Springer, 225-248, 20185. Direzioni della logica in Italia: la teoria (classica) della ricorsività
(with P. Cintioli and A. Sorbi)
in H. Hosni, G. Lolli, C. Toffalori (eds.), Le direzioni della ricerca logica in Italia 2, Edizioni ETS, 195-234, 20184. Degree spectra of structures with respect to the bi-embeddability relation
(with E. Fokina and D. Rossegger)
Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, 32-38, 20173. Computable bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence structures
(with N. Bazhenov, E. Fokina, and D. Rossegger)
Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, 126-132, 20172. Reducibility and bi-reducibility spectra of equivalence relations
(with E. Fokina and D. Rossegger)
Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, 83-89, 20171. Naturalness in mathematics
(with G. Venturi)
in G. Lolli, M. Panza, G. Venturi (eds.), From Logic to Practice, Springer, 277-313, 2014
7. On the learning power of Friedman-Stanley jumps
(with V. Cipriani and A. Marcone)6. Counterpossibles in relative computability theory: a closer look
(with G. Lenta and M. Plebani)5. On statistical learning of graphs
(with V. Cipriani, V. Delle Rose, and G. Soldà)5. On the complexity of the grounded semantics for infinite argumentation frameworks
(with U. Andrews)4. Complexity in infinitary argumentation
(with U. Andrews)3. Classifying different criteria for learning algebraic structures
(with N. Bazhenov, V. Cipriani, S. Jain, and F. Stephan)2. Computable paradoxes
(with M. Plebani and L. Rossi)1. Buridan's cell
(with L. Ferrone)